Hard Money Loans
Hard Money Loans
For Income Producing Properties that need to fund fast, special attention to New York Commercial Income Producing Properties. Our product is a 1-3 year commercial bridge-financing, interest only, no prepayment penalty loan.We specialize in nationwide time-sensitive deals that must close within 7-20 days.
Loan Types and Purpose
Bridge Loans - Cashouts
Joint Venture - Rehab
Mezzanine Finance - Bank Workout, Development and Construction, Acquisition and Refinance, Distressed Properties, Balloon Notes.
Lending Parameters:
- Interest Reserves- If needed up to 1 year
- Interest Only loans
- Interest Rates: 8% - 12%
- Amortization: Interest Only
- Loan to Value: Up to 65% on income producing properties
- Points: 3% taken at closing from loan proceeds
- Loan Term: Up to 3 years
- Closing Times: 7 – 10 days
- Loan Size: $500k to $100 million
Some collateral types that we are interested in:
- Multi-family Apartments
- Industrial Properties
- Grocery Anchored Retail
- Mixed Use Shopping Centers
- Hospitality Properties
- (Flagged and non-flagged)
- Office Building
- Medical Office
- Student Housing
- Warehouses/Distribution/Flex
- Parking Garage
- Self Storage
- Condo Unit Inventory Loans
- Single Tenant + Owner/user
- Mobile Home Parks
- Assisted Living